Stop Signs

“The shift in conversation happened gradually but noticeably. One week Ron was pointing out various sites of the Underground Railroad, as well as homes of abolitionists, around Staten Island. The next he was starting to share more personal information about himself. It began with a vague statement concerning marital discontent.”


Theodor Adorno on Writing

“Properly written texts are like spiders’ webs: tight, concentric, transparent, well-spun and firm. They draw into themselves all the creatures of the air. Metaphors flitting hastily through them become their nourishing prey. Subject matter comes winging toward them.”


A Box of Problems

“On the box was a whispy-haired woman – smiling demurely, her eyes lowered – wearing some kind of pastel-colored chiffon top. She certainly didn’t look like she had a raging infection in her most personal of areas.”


Condolence Cards

“I felt as if those cards were telling me what to feel. My present state of mind didn’t include concepts like ‘memories’ or ‘legacy.’ If the cards had mentioned ‘bewilderment’ or ‘numbness’ or ‘exhaustion’ I’d have felt the writers had some idea of what this was all about.”


Enjoy Your Holiday!

“Betty was a difficult roommate. She was 86 years old, hard of hearing and did not want to be in the hospital. There was always great drama going on over on Betty’s side of the room: screaming, ripping out IV tubes, falling out of bed. They had to strap her down sometimes.”
