Zombie! Boyfriend!

I become aware of a shambling figure off to my left, headed straight in my direction. I know rationally that it’s my boyfriend, but some irrational zombie-fearing part of me takes over and I can only perceive him as an attacking ghoul.


Subject Appears Anxious (Bonus Tracks)

Conclusions: Enforced relaxation may create paradoxical effects, especially when experienced in sensually stimulating and vertiginous surroundings. This phenomenon has been demonstrated in a prior PET scan study. Cf. Increased Amygdala Activity Demonstrated in Anxious Sub-Sets of Over-Privileged Populations in Luxury-Oriented Environments (J.M. Humphries et al., 1975).


Encomium for a Cat (Guest Post)

I will look for her. Julie asks me where she has gone. Neither of us knows. Nowhere, I guess. Here in this house. Behind the curtains. Beneath the couch. She has rubbed her scent on every door jamb. On the legs of every chair. I live in her territory.
