Where's Julie?
I left the NYC Tri-State Area in 2020 and now live in the back of beyond in New Hampshire. Friends, I tore it all down. My studio, my career, everything. After years of toiling at earning money and shoehorning in creative work around that while watching the world burn to the ground, I am actually exhausted, as I imagine you are as well. I stopped doing both things — working and creating — and am currently just resting. I look at the woods a lot. I pet my cats. I read. I ride my bike. If this website is out of date, well, yeah. I hope you're okay. Thanks for visiting. Drop me a line if you know me, or even if you don't.
A Broad, Locked Up
Billy Bob Thornton on having a singular vision

Edward Hopper…is the writer and actor, and he shows his painting to Bud and Carl, the producer and the director. They say, “Yeaahhhh, Edward, it’s nice, real nice, I like that, it’s kinda moody. We’re just afraid that it’s kinda lonely for what we’re going for here.” And Edward Hopper responds, “Well, that’s the point. The goddamn painting is called ‘Loneliness.'”
Tim O’Brien on storytelling
“The thing about a story is that you dream it as you tell it, hoping that others might then dream along with you, and in this way memory and imagination and language combine to make spirits in the head.” — Tim O’Brien, “The Things They Carried”