Where's Julie?
“Is there a ‘fun’ part?”
It’s never too late to live.
Zombie! Boyfriend!
From a Letter Never Sent
“But I don’t have a plan. I’m pushing 50 and just starting with all of this. I’m getting old. I’m not an aggressive asshole. Talent goes unrecognized more often than not. The world is full of beautiful losers.”
You can always find all the reasons to fail. The alternative is not bothering to try. That seems unacceptable to me.
Subject Appears Anxious (Bonus Tracks)

Conclusions: Enforced relaxation may create paradoxical effects, especially when experienced in sensually stimulating and vertiginous surroundings. This phenomenon has been demonstrated in a prior PET scan study. Cf. Increased Amygdala Activity Demonstrated in Anxious Sub-Sets of Over-Privileged Populations in Luxury-Oriented Environments (J.M. Humphries et al., 1975).
Encomium for a Cat (Guest Post)
William James on “Habit”
“It dooms us all to fight out the battle of life upon the lines of our nurture or our early choice, and to make the best of a pursuit that disagrees, because there is no other for which we are fitted, and it is too late to begin again.”