Enjoy Your Holiday!

“Betty was a difficult roommate. She was 86 years old, hard of hearing and did not want to be in the hospital. There was always great drama going on over on Betty’s side of the room: screaming, ripping out IV tubes, falling out of bed. They had to strap her down sometimes.”


The Beast

“What I find most disconcerting about this disease isn’t its unpredictability, but the fact that I always manage to fool myself into thinking that I can control its progress and resolution, when in reality I can’t.”


Cat. Box. Zen.

“Yesterday I was eating breakfast alone, watching the sun come up and listening to the sounds of frantic cat litter relocation. Lulled by my cat’s rhythmic scrapings and bored beyond belief by my sugar-free generic Mini Wheats, I became lost in thought.”


Heave Ho!

“There have been times over the years when I’ve felt really bad after eating or drinking something and Jonathan has said to me, ‘Just go throw up. You’ll feel better.’ Just go throw up? To me, that’s like having someone say, ‘Just take a professional-grade nail gun to your instep. It’s no big deal. You’ll feel better.'”


Adventures With Ambien

“Over breakfast, I did my usual web browsing — Google Reader, blog stats and, of course, the ever-addictive Facebook. But it was with some alarm that I noted that a version of myself had been actively posting around midnight, maybe 90 minutes after I went to sleep.”
